This can involve whole school training packages right through to single case consultations.

This can be in the domain of generic mental health input or an attachment support service to schools who are working with fostered and adopted children or children who have experienced early trauma.

Our training sessions can support school staff to identify the signs of emotional problems / mental health difficulties and be supported in helpful strategies they can apply. We can also provide training specifically around supporting a particular pupil in-house or focus on an issue affecting a group of children. We can also support in knowing where the limits of the school’s involvement might be and knowing when to bring in outside professional help.

We can provide training in the following areas:

  • Low mood and anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Bereavement and loss
  • Self-harm and dangerous behaviours
  • Behavioural problems
  • How to have difficult conversations with pupils and parents
  • Trauma and attachment
  • Attachment in the Classroom
  • Self-care and the impact of stress on the self

We can provide indirect or Consultation based work to key members of staff around the needs of a specific pupil.

We can also offer therapy in-house with children and young people for mental health related issues with evidence based therapy such as EMDR or CBT for simple or more complex mental health problems.

As well as 1:1 treatment, we can also deliver psychological intervention to targeted groups of children including ‘coping skills’ workshops or support after difficult incidents. We are also passionate about bringing a dialogue about positive mental health and wellbeing to schools and would be happy to facilitate any workshops or assemblies on this topic.