Compassion focused therapy (CFT) is a system of psychotherapy developed by Paul Gilbert that integrates techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy with concepts from evolutionary psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, Buddhist psychology, and neuroscience.
Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) has at its heart an understanding of the social evolution of the brain and the need to understand our different neurobiological systems in order to explore and intervene with our emotional distress. Often called the “3 circles model”, these include the ‘threat’ system (danger – flight/fight), ‘soothe’ system (nurturing, calming) and ‘drive’ system (achievement and goal orientation). Each of these systems has an important function but it can be that our overall system becomes imbalanced or that if we have experienced lots of stress or trauma that our threat system becomes dominant. Perhaps if we use goals and performance at work for example to deal with our difficult feelings and avoid them, our drive system becomes too dominant. Our soothing system therefore may be neglected and we lose the ability to calm and regulate our feelings.